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Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Afternoon Update

Happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! I wasn't able to squeeze in the Overnighter this morning before work, so let's just dive right on in, shall we?!!

Okay, so I'm getting a TON of messages on every social media platform about BBOTT's schedule. So I put it on the right-side of the blog. Simply just click the pic and it'll tell you the weekly schedule for everything, including times.

Today's Live Feeds Schedule is:
*HOH crowned at 4pm BBT
*Weekday Replay at 10pm BBT
*live DR sessions at 10:30pm BBT (only on Tues/Fri)

Also, for those of you asking where to watch the Weekday Replay's if you miss them, they're on the CBS website. Under "Shows", go to Big Brother: Over The Top and then select "Videos". You'll see this:
Okay, now that I got all the confusing stuff out of the way, let's see what's been happening in BB land! :D

Morgan was the last HG I posted about last night that was "infected" (HOH comp, for those of you who haven't been reading the blog yet)..and then Morgan gave it to Cornbread (Michael) because he volunteered. This was because Cornbread wanted to infect Jason. So he did just that. Cornbread gave it to Jason, and Jason then gave it to Whitney, and then Whitney infected Alex...which means..

1st HOH of the BBOTT Season is:

Monte will make his 2 noms this weekend, and then America will name the 3rd nom. (*Oh, I like that!)

In alliance news, I told you about the "4 Horsemen" that formed the other night that includes Cornbread/Monte/Shane/Scott. Now there's another alliance called "OTT Jamboree", with Jason/Kryssie/Shelby/Justin/Scott. Wait..what?! lol Scott's in two alliances? haha

Cornbread caught Scott talking with the others (the Jamboree alliance) and told Shane about it, but Shane thinks maybe Scott was just getting information for them and that maybe they shouldn't tell Scott everything just in case he's not loyal. But after Shane/Scott had a convo this morning, it appears that Scott is really with the Horsemen alliance after all, as he spilled some info to Shane about how Jason wants Danielle (his house BFF)/Shane/Monte around and that Cornbread's name never came up.

So that's it for the this afternoon post! I don't wanna get y'all too confused, so I'll just leave you with the basic info for now.

A current look at the live feeds @ 1:56pm BBT:

**Enjoy your Friday night and the live feeds tonight!! There's a lot to watch, between the live DR's and weekday reply, in addition to the HG's in the BB house getting to know each other. Enjoy, addicts! ;)


  1. For some reason I still don't have the full episode frim Wednesday. I have all the live feeds, the replay/recap video and other short videos but not the whole episode. I watch on my phone so I hope that isn't messing things up...any ideas on what is wrong? I signed up- but all my payment info and everything.

  2. There isn't a full episode from Wednesday. The daily recap is only about 6 1/2 minutes long.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. there wasnt a full epsiode from Weds. I think that will start next week. they need footage first. lol

  5. I have a quick question.. Why do you keep calling cornbread, (Michael)? I know he said his real name is Chad though. Did I miss something?

  6. Jamie how does this viewer voting work? Will we get to nominate someone and be a vote to get them out or what?

  7. Jamie how does this viewer voting work? Will we get to nominate someone and be a vote to get them out or what?

  8. I normally don't develope a like/dislike for a houseguest so early in the season BUT LET ME TELL YOU, I absolutely despise Danielle! Is it just me? The constant talking over people & narcissism is KILLING ME!

  9. How do I watch the opening show? I'm confused!

  10. They don't have a full episode, but you can flash back to 7pm bbt and watch their entry that way


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