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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Afternoon Post + HOH Comp (Ongoing)

Hey BB addicts! Hope your Thursday is going awesome! :D I tried to do a full afternoon report but Flashback Feeds aren't working (on CBS or on BBViewer) for me. Soooo....this is what I was able to gather from this afternoon...

At 1pm BBT, the houseguests were called inside and saw a bottle of blue liquid. A card with it said that "only 1 can drink" it.

After a round of I'm not drinking that! from the houseguests...

..Shane decides to drink it. (The HOH Comp has now officially begun at this point.) Shane is called into the Diary Room and given a card to read to the other HG's about the HOH Comp: the HOH Comp will go on until 1pm BBT tomorrow (Friday). Wow...a 24 hr HOH Comp? That's kinda neat! And it gives us feedsters something to watch unfold as well. I like it!

Okay so anyway, Shane was "infected" first, so then he had to name someone else to get "infected". That person was Danielle. (Here you can see her wearing the bug-tshirt, meaning he was already infected.)
An alarm sounds, and now Danielle and Justin offers to drink it.
Justin then picks Shelby.
Then Scott.
Then Neeley.
Then Kryssie.

UPDATED @ 8:38pm BBT:
Kryssie gave the bug to Morgan.
(8 HG's have now been infected.)

This is going to go on until 1pm BBT tomorrow and the last HG that isn't infected, will be this weeks HOH! :D

Thanks to the Weekday Recap Episode (every weekday at 10pm ET/7pm BBT on the feeds), I was able to grab the needed screenshots for this post. Pheww!! lol :P I'm hoping the Flashback Feeds start working properly soon, otherwise my blogging is gonna be boring. haha

**Okie dokie, I'm outta here for the night! Y'all have a great night and I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter!! Until then, enjoy watching BBOTT on the live feeds!


  1. Can someone tell me how to watch last nights episode? I have the All access but can't find where to watch the complete episode. All I find are short videos clips or live feeds.

  2. It wasn't an episode. It was 5 mins long. Called "weekday replay".

  3. I haven't subscribed to the feeds but I did see the opening "show" via a friend and have been following updates. Jason is already being targeted because he is popular outside of the house and the subscribers (viewers) select the winner. I only wanted to watch because of Jason. ☹️


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