Watch BBOTT!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tonights BBOTT Premiere

Goooood evening, ladies & gents!! :D Tonight is the first night of Big Brother: Over The Top! This Fall Edition of BB is the first of its kind, so it'll be a wild ride for all of us. Tonight, the HG's move in *live* and we should be able to watch all that happen.

This season is only on the live feeds! It will not be shown on TV. What's really cool about this season, is that we will be able to see live Diary Room Sessions, every single comp happen live, every eviction will be live, and every ceremony live. Pretty rad!! :D

We will also get to see if Jozea (*lol yea right) or Jason is moving into the BBOTT house tonight. (Those of you who have been following me for a couple seasons know I'm totally in love with Jason!! lol I adore that kid, so obviously I'm hoping it's him that we see move in tonight).

Tonight's live feeds begins at 10pm ET (8pm Central/7pm BBT). So go turn on your live feeds, go grab your snackies, and let's watch this new and exciting online-only version of BB tonight! :D

See ya back here then!!


  1. Anyone else live feeds not premiering the show? It's 815 central here and mine hasn't started.

  2. If it starts at 7pm BB time (PST), then it will be 9pm central time. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This will actually be 9pm central time :)

  5. Will we be able to watch it the next day? This is my first time with the feeds but I can't stay up this late every night lol

  6. LOVING these house guests so far!!!

  7. Feeds down at 2 AM central. still down at 3:30 am Central. So much for 24 seven feeds CBS!!

  8. Does anyone know if there is a flash back feature with the live feeds? I can't watch them all the time and I don't want to miss the comps and diary room sessions. And when will the new episode be available on the cbs all access app?

    1. There is a flashback feature. It's only available on the computer though, not the mobile app. The episodes will be available the following day.

    2. There is a flashback feature. It's only available on the computer though, not the mobile app. The episodes will be available the following day.

    3. I was going to ask this exact question! Thanks for the help!

    4. Is there somewhere to watch the premiere episode? I haven't found it yet. No full episodes on the live feeds or do I just go to that time in the flashbacks?

  9. Not happy the feeds are down.....I paid for a black screen REALLY.....grrrr

  10. Hey Jamie, I missed the first full episode. How do I go back and watch it. I have the $5.99 all access. Do I need to be on CBS full desktop version?


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