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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tues: Veto Comp Winner & Feeds Update

Happy Tuesday, BB addicts!! Yesterday was the Veto Comp. America voted Cornbread to join Jason/Danielle on the block. Picked for veto was Alex/Whitney. The Veto Comp was yesterday (Monday) at 1pm BBT and lasted until 1:30pm BBT (yes, you can watch it on the live feeds by using the Flashback Feature!)

Without further ado..

Winner of the Veto Comp is:
 Danielle immediately rushed Jason for a big congrats hug. Aww!!

Today (Tues) is the Veto Ceremony, where Jason will pull himself off the block. It seems that Monte will put up Kryssie as the replacement nom and is now the target for tomorrow's live eviction on the feeds. Jason told Monte that even though he nominated this week, he's not gunning for him. He reminds Monte that the girls out number the guys and that it could be a problem. (Jason told Monte prior to the veto comp that if he won, he'd still wanna work with Monte.) 

In other news, Justin is already breaking down, saying that the game is hard and its difficult to be around fake people. (*it's only week 1, bruh. lol)

Shane/Danielle are thinking about taking Cornbread out this week instead of Kryssie because CB is gonna work with Monte. Monte told CB that the votes will be close this week (5-4) but that CB will stay over Kryssie. The HG's aren't aware (yet) that America will have a vote too, though.

Moving on...we have a lot going on over on the live feeds today! 

Today's Live Feeds Schedule:
-morning Swimsuit Photoshoot for the HG's
-1pm BBT is Veto Ceremony
-7pm BBT Weekday Replay Episode ( can use the Flashback Feature to find this.)
-7:30pm BBT live DR's

I'm LOVING this season so far!! The cast is great, the potential is great, Jason staying this week is great, the unedited version of the game is great...ahhh!!! I love it!!! :D You can watch too for just $6/bucks a month (we have 9 more weeks to go of this season). Super duper cheap 24/7 entertainment. Back to the live feeds I go! (It's my day off, so I'm gonna be here glued to them all day.)


  1. So I haven't watched yet. Because I forgot about it actually. Should I be watching? Better than the TV version,same, worse?

    1. I am honestly LOVING it! My advice is to watch! A lot of characters this season & I personally love the intensity of the nom "ceremonies "

  2. I am still trying to get the hang of it but he house guests are more entertaining then in past seasons. First off, I do not like how Justin bums cigarettes off Scott. He barely even asks for one while he is taking it out of the pack. Maybe because I am an x-smoker, I hate moochers. LOL. Second, I did not like Krysee at first, but now seeing her talk one-on-one with Jason, I am beginning to like her. I like the toned down Krysee not the cartoon character Krysee. Third, yesterday Shane made a comment to Justin about letting him "smell his fingers" when Justin was complaining about missing home or something like that. I thought that was really out of line even for BB. So there are my grips LOL. Overall, I am liking it so far. :)

    1. Okay, so maybe I'm naive...but smell his fingers? I don't get it. :/

    2. Okay, I do not want to get too graphic because I know all ages read this. Lets say that it would have something to do with Shane and Danielle. me out. :)

  3. What was the Veto comp? I see Jason's number was 2449

  4. Will we be able to watch the live DR sessions on flashback? Was there live DR sessions last Friday?

  5. Jamie....why am I having so much trouble viewing flashbacks. I have been trying for over an hour to get to the diary room sessions and it WILL NOT let me go there. Want to cancel my subscription....but I won't. Help?

  6. I'm having the same problem with viewing flashbacks. Very frustrating.

  7. Replies
    1. I was able to do it on my iPad, but first I had to download a free app called Puffin available from iTunes (and also available for Android mobile devices). I then used Puffin to search for cbs - big brother over the top & from there signed into my CBS account and was able to easily figure out the how to access flash back even tho I'm a feeds newbie. The DR sessions were supposed to start at 7:30 but were a little late so I just adjusted the time little by little and the DR sessions came up.

  8. If I miss the daily update at 7BBT when do they make the replay of it available? It's weird, my Apple TV was not showing any daily updates since last Friday, but I checked Roku out tonight and saw this weeks daily updates. I understand they don't have the update over the weekend.

  9. Thanks! Worked with puffin app. Guess it's a safari issue.


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