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Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday: Feeds Update

Happy Monday, BB fans!! I'm going to commit to 2-3 posts per week until the end of BBOTT. For the Summer Edition, I will be back full-time like I've always been. (CBS only gave us a 2 week heads-up notice for the Fall edition and this schedule is way too gnarly to for me to handle with my 2 jobs. I actually emailed CBS about the BBOTT schedule a few weeks ago...I mean come on, midnight HOH comps?! lol)

Okay, so let's get caught up!

Shelby is the HOH
Shelby was gonna gun for Jason/Justin this week
Jason got the Care Package (Co-HOH this week)
Jason is safe for the week and gets to name 1 of the noms this week.

Jason came up with a strategy with the LNJ & Whitney. He's gonna nom the strongest HG from his side (to win veto), have that HG win veto or get pulled off, and then Jason (who nom'ed that HG) can name the renom and backdoor whoever they want.

Jason: "This week, we're playing for the backdoor, the front door doesn't really buh-bye, Alex."

Jason then went and told Shelby that he's thinking about putting up someone from his side; Danielle.
He told Shelby that he always knew that he'd have to take a shot at Danielle, but what he didn't tell her was that it's not gonna be this week. lol Jason then sold the idea to Shelby to put up one of her own players, since he's putting up one of his players..and then let America do are thing with a the 3rd nom.

Fast-forward to Shelby having a full blown meltdown over being homesick and Jason was there to dry her eyes.
Shelby: "There's no dogs here! No Harry Potter! And no hot guys!" (*lollll)

The Final Have-Not's for the season are:

Nominated for Eviction:
Danielle (via Jason) and Whitney (via Shelby)

Jason gave a short speech saying that Danielle is a good competitor and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, Danielle is onto the plan (obvi) and Jason wants to himself or Dani to win the veto to pull her down and then put up Alex. That's the plan. 


America's Nom is: 
Jason is happy that Alex was nom'ed, but not happy that Morgan got picked to play in veto.
Today, the Veto Comp was played and the...
Winner of the Veto is:

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the Veto Ceremony.
This Wednesday is a Double Eviction at 8pm EST/5pm PT! So make note of that. :) 

You can watch the live feeds for $5.99/month with only a month of BBOTT to go!


  1. Welcome back! Been missing ya.

  2. I luv reading your blog watching BB without it wouldn't be the same! Thank you! Ugh! It's been crazy and the people I am rooting for has been changing so much so quick! Heck! At some point I was even rooting for Kryssie 😬 So you know that can't be good. I feel like this blind side move didn't do any good for Jason's game though.

  3. Jamie, you're back!!? I think? How come there are no more comments? Where did everyone go? Well, I definitely missed you!

  4. Jamie...R U OK? It's been a while and I know you are busy, but 2 weeks with no comments...I hope you are OK


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